最近では、グラミー賞音楽部門にノミネートされたWillie K、Chino Montero、Daniel Hoらをはじめ、日本でもおなじみのUncle George Naope、Keli’i Kaneali’i、Napua Grieg、Natasha Oda、Konishiki、Vaihiなど多くの有名ハワイアンミュージシャンを日本に招いて、一緒に活動を行う一方、日本でも湘南エリアを中心に、杉山清貴、ブレッド&バター、テミヤンら多くの日本人ミュージシャンと共演している。
Mike came to Japan in the mid 1980’s, and is now a fixture in the Hawaiian Music Scene in Japan. Fluent in Japanese and English, Mike is both an entertainer and producer of Hawaiian events in and around Tokyo, Yokohama and Shonan.
Over the past few years Mike has worked with Grammy nominated musicians, Willie K, Chino Montero, Daniel Ho as well as Herb Ohta Jr., Keli’i Kaneali’i, Konishiki, Vaihi from Hawaii. In and around the Shonan area he has performed with Kiyotaka Sugiyama, Bread and Butter, Temiyan and many other Japanese musicians.
Mike currently performs with Pomaika’i
and Kaine as well as solo work playing the Ukulele and Slack Key Guitar. Mikes shows can take some interesting twists and turns due to his musical influences. You can expect the standard Hawaiian Music, as well as a little bit of rock, some Enka (Japanese Folk Music), and maybe even a little bit of Opera if the atmosphere if just right.
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